What should be your drive to work on yourself…?

What should be the drive to work on yourself?

Quality of life…

First thing for me it has been the quality of life I want to enjoy in my future years.
I right now enjoy an optimum health and I don’t see why it should be like that for many more years.

I think the hardest thing for  each of us getting old is to realize that we might have gave up on certain aspect of life to easily. It is not to pretend that the body doesn’t age is to not accept our full responsibility in letting it decay.

Suddenly you realize that your palette of movements is narrowed to stand in up, pushing buttons but no more engaging act like climbing steps, weighting bags… for example. Because we get comfortable and particularly if you live in a city your range of movements are pretty much the same days after days.

But this lack of multidimensional activities make you slowly each times less agile and comfortable.

I want to have a great quality of life and the further I stay from my bed, sofa or chair the better. Always looking for the little extra exercise I can find in my daily activities.

The look of my children and grand children.

Maybe you have not experienced it but how many times in my youngest age I have met people and was amazed by their condition or capacities despite the idea of what my surrounding or family was reflecting to me. So many times I thought to myself yes I want to be like that when I will be older.

My drive is to be able to inspire my children and grand children to make sure they look at me as a great model and not just and old body which is on the run down.

Always make the best choice

I apply to my life but to the all concept of my life the same exigence when making choice.

I don’t see why I should by the best car, the best phone, computer, clothes and not by for my body the best food, the best air.  Why not look for the best routine to make sure I have the optimum muscles mass I need

the best mobility and resource to go through my day fully confident and not afraid of falling or who knows what.

Finally the reward I get from working on myself.

When you re frame your mental process in order to use the best tool to thrive then you feel the direct

benefit of your choices. I , personally, feel so good and full energy that just there I get my drive.
Why would I settle for less?

Taking care of one self has the advantage to deliver constantly and it is measurable. It is not instant

as various aspect of who you are might need some upgrades but once you engage on the path of caring for yourself then there is no way back.




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